Arrogance Vocabulary Page
ego: the idea of self that is separate from others and uniquely your own.
example: There are some kids in my school whose ego is bigger than the reality of their accomplishments.
arrogance: state of believing you are better, smarter or more important than others.
example: Jillian is so arrogant that she believed she got the best mark on the test, when it actually I scored the highest grade.
shattered: When something is broken into small pieces or something you believed in was judged to be less important than you thought.
example: Not only did the glass shatter when I dropped it on the ground, but also my mood was shattered because it was my favorite drinking cup.
peer review: when you are judged by a group of people that are the same as you are, such as the same age, or have the same knowledge and skill as the person they are judging.
example: I was more interested in a peer review of my ideas than what the teacher thought of it.