detect: to notice or discover something that might not be easy to notice or discover.
example: Although he was smiling, I detected a bit of nervousness because he was picking at his cuticles.
Fright Vocabulary Words
reflect: to think about something before doing it
example: When I get mad, I try to reflect before saying something I might regret.
startled: to become frighten or surprised, suddenly
example: I was startled when a mouse ran across the bathroom floor!
example: I was dismayed to learn that I would have to go to summer school instead of summer camp.
ajar- when something is slightly open.
example: I could see my sister was lying on her bed crying because her bedroom door was slightly ajar.
absurd – totally foolish or silly or in any case unreasonable.
example: My parents told me it was absurd to think I could not go to school during the entire month of December to celebrate my birthday and the holidays.