alternative- is suggests there are choices, not just one way of doing something.
example: Mom gave me an alternative to cleaning the kitchen, which was studying for one hour.
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derision – to respond to someone by making fun of what they say or do.
example: The class laughed in derision when I promised never to pass another note to my best friend.
blunt – saying something in a direct way without worrying about how it might sound to those who are hearing it.
example: When the principal came into our classroom she was blunt in telling us that she never in all her years had students who were as noisy as we were.
coaxing – to get others to go along with your ideas by being persuasive and friendly.
example: It didn’t take much coaxing for our coach to convince us to study hard for our exams since if we didn’t get B’s or higher we wouldn’t be able to play on the team.