
Vocabulary Page

Smirk: to smile but not in a pleasant way.  It can be a way of showing that you feel superior to another person.

Example: I wanted to carry the snacks for our class, but the teacher picked someone else, so I couldn’t help but smirk when she dr
opped the tray.

Suspicious – not sure if a situation can be trusted to be what it seems.

Example: I was suspicious when my dad came home with several shopping bags and went directly up to his bedroom, since the next day was my birthday.

Auspicious – something that is likely to be very favorable or successful in the future.

Example: I thought it was an auspicious sign that my baby brother was born on my birthday because it could mean we would like the same things.

Surmise – guessing at something even though you aren’t sure you know the facts.

Example: I surmised that the tiny gift-wrapped box under the Christmas tree for me was jewelry.